National Invitational Results
Fishers Junior High School, Indiana Teacher: Mike Fassold SECOND PLACE: Rachel Carson Middle School, Virginia Teacher: Cynthia Burgett THIRD PLACE: Bob Graham Education Center, Florida Teacher: John Brady UNIT 1 (The Philosophical and Historical Foundations of the American Political System): Marshwood Middle School, Maine Teacher: Andy Rowe UNIT 2 (How the Framers Created the Constitution):
Stanley British Primary School, Colorado
Teachers: Allyson Levy & Mike Wasylenky UNIT 3 (How Changes in the Constitution Have Furthered the Ideas in the Declaration of Independence): Gahanna Middle School South, Ohio Teacher: Michael Browning UNIT 4 (How the Values and Principles Embodied in the Constitution Shaped American Institutions and Practices): Milford Central Academy, Delaware Teacher: Samuel Holloway UNIT 5 (The Rights That the Bill of Rights Protects): Sanford Middle School, Florida Teacher: Jennifer Coursin UNIT 6 (Twenty-first Century Challenges to American Constitutional Democracy): Inza R Wood Middle School Teacher: Linda Koller |