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Lesson 3: What Is a Government?


Lesson Purpose

In this lesson, you will learn about your government. You will learn the responsibilities and powers of people in government. You will learn that you have governments for your community or city. You also have a government for your state. And there is a national government for all the states. You will also learn the four things all these governments do.

Lesson Objectives

When you have completed this lesson, you should be able to

  • explain the four things all of your governments do,
  • explain the responsibilities of the three branches or parts of your governments,
  • explain the responsibilities of Congress, the president, and the Supreme Court, and
  • explain why we need government.

Lesson Terms

carrying out laws
Suppose Congress makes a law that says all the bridges in the country have to be made safe. The president is then responsible for "carrying out the law" by using tax money to pay to make the bridges safe.
enforcing laws
making laws
national government
settling arguments about laws
Supreme Court

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