Format of Simulated Congressional Hearings

How Does a Hearing Work?
How Do You Host a Simulated Congressional Hearing?
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A class is divided into small groups based on the number of units in the curriculum. Each group typically has 3-6 students, depending on the class size.
Each group works collaboratively to prepare answers to all the questions for the unit.
Students review materials in the We the People textbook and research other materials, preparing a four-minute response to the question for each unit and getting ready to answer follow-up questions related to the initial question.
Students should prepare a presentation answering all parts of their question so that, when read, it is four minutes at most. Students may use the text or any other reference materials to prepare a response to their question. Questions may ask students to form and explain their own opinions.
Responses may be written on paper or note cards. They do not need to be memorized.