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Lesson 5: What ideas did the Founders use in the Declaration of Independence?


Lesson Purpose

In 1776, the American colonies broke away from British rule. They chose to be a free country. The Founders wrote a special statement to explain why they wanted to be independent. This statement is called the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important writings in American history. It describes the major ideas the Founders had about government. The Declaration also lists the Founders’ complaints against the British king.

Lesson Objectives

When you have finished this lesson, you should be able to explain some of the main ideas in the Declaration of Independence. As you will see, they are ideas you have already studied and discussed.

Lesson Terms

American Revolution
The war fought by the American colonists to gain their independence from Great Britain. It took place from 1775 to 1781.
First Continental Congress
Second Continental Congress

Lesson Biographies

Adams, John (1735-1829 CE)
Adams was the second president of the United States. He was a lawyer, revolutionary leader, and leading Federalist. As a member of the Continental Congress, Adams served on the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence. He was minister to the Netherlands and Great Britain. Adams was elected vice president in 1789 and president in 1796.
Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826 CE)

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