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Lesson 8: What Is Our Constitution?


Lesson Purpose

In this lesson, you will learn that our Constitution is a plan that shows how our government is to be organized. It provides for a national government and state governments, which also include local governments. It provides for three branches of government at each level. Our Constitution is also designed to protect the basic rights of the people.

Lesson Objectives

When you have completed this lesson, you should be able to

  • explain what constitutions do,
  • explain who approved of our Constitution,
  • describe the three branches of our national government,
  • explain how state governments are like the national government, and
  • explain what the Bill of Rights does.

Lesson Terms

Bill of Rights (1791)
The first ten amendments to the Constitution. The Bill of Rights lists some basic rights of the people. These include your right to believe or not believe in any religion. They also include your right to speak freely and learn from others.
branches of government
executive branch
House of Representatives, representative
judicial branch
legislative branch
Senate, senator
Supreme Court
We the People

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