The National Invitational Awards Ceremony will include the announcement of the top three teams and unit award winners. The event is live-streamed and recorded for viewing at any time after the event.
Award Winners Announcement
Dr. Donna Phillips, President of the Center for Civic Education, announces the 2024 We the People National Invitational award winners. The We the People National Invitational is a national academic competition on the Constitution. Fourteen teams of students from eight states took part in the 2024 competition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where and When is the Invitational Held?
The National Invitational is live-streamed online. The next annual event will take place May 10-11, 2024.
National Invitational teams may participate from their home state or choose to travel to Washington, D.C. If a team decides to travel, virtual hearing rooms will be arranged at the students’ hotel. Travel, lodging, and tour arrangements for classes are organized through WorldStrides. The Center for Civic Education manages all other aspects of the National Invitational.
What are the Eligibility Requirements to Compete?
What are the Hearing Questions for the Competition?
Still Have Questions?
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Emily Voss or Rebecca Reeder by email. They can assist you or direct you to additional resources.