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Lesson 4: What Different Kinds of Government Are There?


Lesson Purpose

In this lesson, you will learn there are three types of governments. You will also learn different ideas about where governments get the right to rule the people. When you do this, you will learn one of the most important things about democratic types of governments. You will also have an opportunity to explain why the type of government you want is best.

Lesson Objectives

When you have completed this lesson, you should be able to

  • describe three types of government,
  • explain why people who support each type of government think its leaders have the right to rule other people,
  • identify which kind of government is called a democracy,
  • explain which type of government you like best and why you like it.

Lesson Terms

Aristotle (384-322 BC)
Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers in history. A philosopher is someone who loves learning about things. Aristotle studied different types of government. He wanted to discover what type of government is best for the people. He also studied many other things, such as logical thinking, poetry, and biology.

Lesson Biographies

Aristotle (384-322 BCE)
Aristotle was a student of the philosopher Plato and the teacher of Alexander the Great. Considered one of the great philosophers in the Western intellectual tradition, he wrote treatises on subjects as diverse as government, logic, rhetoric, ethics, poetry, and biology. Aristotle continued an effort begun by Plato to place objects and ideas in categories based on similar properties. After Alexander's death, Aristotle fled Athens.

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