The We the People National Finals Challenge was held on Saturday, April 25, and Sunday, April 26, 2020. Easthampton High School in Massachusetts placed first, Lincoln High School from Oregon was second, and Maggie L. Walker Governor's School from Virginia was third. Six hundred forty-five high school students from 30 We the People classes from throughout the nation participated in 180 simulated congressional hearings on the Constitution and issues of contemporary American representative democracy. The event was held live using Zoom. Watch the National Finals Challege Awards Ceremony, read an article about the finals, or view the full list of awards. The staff of the Center for Civic Education appreciates your hard work and dedication to teaching about government and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Because of your participation in the We the People Program, your students have the opportunity to study and learn about government and constitutional principles and ideas in prepartation for participating in the National Finals. Through this experience your students acquire the civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions neccessary to effectively participate in our constitutional democratic republic.