Fourth Edition The fourth edition of We the People: The Citizen & the Constitution features text, images, exercises, and Supreme Court cases to ensure that the next generation of Americans has the intellectual tools they need to become informed and engaged citizens. We the People gives high school students a firm understanding of government and citizenship. Students explore the history and principles of constitutional democracy through critical-thinking exercises, cooperative-learning and participation in a simulated congressional hearing. The We the People student textbook contains six units and 39 lessons. The updated teacher's guide contains a step-by-step walkthrough of the student book, interactive teaching strategies, reproducible handouts, and a multiple choice end-of-course assessment. Simulated congressional hearings, a key feature of We the People, provide authentic assessment of student comprehension (find examples here). A free We the People Resource Center is available for students and teachers. Videos found in the Media section for each lesson feature constitutional scholars discussing each section of the textbook. We the People is aligned with the Educating for American Democracy Roadmap framework and the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies. 400 pages © 2016 ![]() SoftcoverClassroom set: $1,200.00 each (ISBN: 0-89818-218-S)*Student text: $51.00 each, 10 or more: $50.00 each (ISBN: 0-89818-218-2) Teacher's guide: $62.00 each (ISBN: 0-89818-219-0) *A class set consists of 30 student textbooks and one teacher's guide. Call 818-591-9321 or email with any questions. ![]() Interested in purchasing the third edition of We the People? We still have quantities left for a limited time! Visit our online store. DownloadsTo view the table of contents, click here![]() To view a sample lesson from this book click here ![]() To view a list of primary sources correlated by lesson, click here ![]() To view a complete list of updates to the fourth edition, click here ![]() Actively Learn Ebook Purchase directly through Actively Learn. Other Ebook EditionsEbooks versions of the fourth print edition (© 2016) of We the People are available for use on iPads, iPhones, Android devices, Macs and PCs are available from the sources below. These mobile editions are based on the fourth print edition of We the People (© 2016) and do not include the interactive features of the Actively Learn ebook.
Amazon Kindle $12.99 (Volume purchase information) Apple iBook $12.99 (Volume purchase information) Google Play $12.99 Barnes and Noble Nook $12.99 Kobo Books $12.99 Educating for American Democracy Crosswalk The Educating for American Democracy Roadmap is an inquiry-based content framework for excellence in civic and history education for all learners that is organized by major themes and questions and supported by key concepts. The Center’s crosswalk aligns We the People units, lessons, and other Center resources to the EAD’s major civic and history themes, driving questions, and design challenges. The pedagogy companion to the EAD Roadmap is intended to support implementation of an inquiry-based content framework developed for the EAD initiative. The slideshow shares how We the People instruction, assessment, and curriculum align to six civics and history teaching best practices in the companion.
We the People is aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies. There are separate correlations for the textbook and mobile editions (© 2009) and the enhanced ebook (© 2014). The textbook and mobile edition correlations were performed by the Maryland Department of Education; the enhanced ebook correlations were performed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Download the correlations in printable pdf format by clicking on the buttons below. Free ResourcesWe the People Resource CenterThis collection of articles from American Governance contains twenty-five entries that provide an in-depth analysis of key concepts associated with each unit of We the People: The Citizen & the Constitution (Level 3). The entries include concepts associated with each unit. Each article offers a bibliography and cross-references to guide the reader to related subjects. The collection appears here by kind permission of Cengage Learning. Strategies for Struggling Readers: A Teacher Resource Guide for We the People, Level 3 Accessible EditionsAccessible editions of We the People: The Citizen & the Constitution, Level 3, are available from NIMAC.