Eighteen judges will participate in the 2022 National Invitational. To a large extent, the quality of the National Invitational depends upon the expertise and demeanor of the judges. They are scholars, attorneys, public officials, and former We the People teachers.

This year's judges (in alphabetical order) are scheduled to be:
Jack Barlow, Prof. Poitical Science, Juanita College, PA
Alan Brodman, Teacher (ret.), East Brunswick High School, NJ
Emmanuel Caudillo, Senior Advisor, White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, DC
Roger Desrosiers, Executive Director MCCE, MA
Lindsey Draper, Circuit Court Commissioner (Ret.), WI
GlyptusAnn Grider-Jones, Prof. of History, McConnel Center, KY
Jen Patja Howell, Co-Executive Direct, Virginia Civics, VA
Ellen Iwamoto, CRN, Annenber Public Policy Cebter, PA
Flamingo Maggie, Teacher, Center for the Study of the American Constitution, WI
Tandy McConnell, History Professor, Columbia College, SC
Reta McKannan, Attorney, AL
Mike Miles, Treasurer (ret.), AL
Timothy Moore, Teacher, Center for the Study of the American Constitution, WI
Diana Owen, Professor of Political Science, Georgetown University, DC
Jeffrey Owen, Chief Operatoing Officer (ret), American Bankers Association, VA
Juan Carlos Polanco, Prof. of Law, Fordham University, NY
Candida Steele, Judge (ret.), U.S. Board of Contract Appeals, DC
Joseph Stewart Jr., Professor of Political Science, Clemson University, SC
Thomas Tinder, Executive Director, West Virginia Bar Foundation, WV
Rebecca Tinder, We the People State Coordinator / Ret Attorney, Bowles Rice LLP, WV
Jackie Viana, District Supervisor, Dept of Social Studies, Miami Dade County Public Schools, FL
Dychon Whitiker, JMLP Teacher/Cong Academy Mentor/Past WTP timer & judge, DCPS
Judges' Resources
- Hearing Questions
- Hearing Schedule (all times EST)
- Hearing Score Sheet
- Scoring Criteria
- Scoring Guide
Textbook Access for Judges