We advance civic knowledgein high-need communities
Project Citizen
The Project Citizen Research Program provides middle and high school teachers with free professional development and a set of Project Citizen textbooks for use in their classroom. The Project Citizen curriculum is active citizenship at its best. It engages young people in cooperative, project-based learning as they work as a class to monitor and influence public policy locally. Students identify a problem in their community, research alternative policy-based solutions, develop a class policy proposal to address the problem, and design a political action plan to convince public officials to adopt and implement the policy.
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The American History and Civics Academies provided teachers and students with high-quality educational engagement. They significantly enhanced students' civic dispositions related to political interest and attention, political discussion, community engagement, government service, civic duty, and trust in government. Research from the Civic Education Research Lab at Georgetown University demonstrated that students' knowledge of history and civics improved, especially among Title I school students.
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