Charlie Hinderliter
Charlie Hinderliter is a 1997 We the People Alum from St. Louis, Missouri, and is a professional political nerd and a civic education advocate. He has been involved with the We the People program for more than twenty years, as a student, a coach, a district coordinator, as well as a participant, staff, mentor, and scholar at We the People professional development institutes. He's judged We the People competitions in four states and at the National Finals. He is the Director of Government Affairs for St. Louis REALTORS®. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of Missouri - St. Louis and did his graduate work in political science at the University of South Carolina. He has taught political science at Maryville University, Western Illinois University, and Jefferson College. For the last six years, Charlie had been doing public policy and government affairs work for two nonpartisan associations. In addition to working in public policy and teaching, Charlie worked for a number of years on political campaigns, ranging from a local mayoral race to a Presidential campaign.