With decades of combined educational, business and leadership experience, the Center for Civic Education’s Board of Directors guide and support the mission and vision of our organization to develop an enlightened and responsible citizenry committed to democratic principles and actively engaged in the practice of democracy in the United States and other countries. The Board ensures accountability, by setting the organization’s goals and ensuring its effective implementation. Together, the Board works with management to support and implement its programs, which include We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution, Project Citizen, and the Civitas International Programs.

Pauline WeaverChair
Pauline WeaverChair

Timothy D. MooreVice Chair

Timothy D. MooreVice Chair

Mark RitaccoTreasurer

Mark RitaccoTreasurer

Clara SlifkinSecretary

Clara SlifkinSecretary

Henry L. Chambers, Jr.Director

Henry L. Chambers, Jr.Director

Cheryl Cook-KallioDirector

Cheryl Cook-KallioDirector

Garima DesaiDirector

Garima DesaiDirector

Erin LewisDirector

Erin LewisDirector

Terry Mason MooreDirector

Terry Mason MooreDirector

Daniel M. MurphyDirector

Daniel M. MurphyDirector

Beth RatwayDirector

Beth RatwayDirector

Dr. Vicki Ross-Norris Director

Dr. Vicki Ross-Norris Director

Barbara J. SmithDirector

Barbara J. SmithDirector

Terri StroudDirector

Terri StroudDirector

Prof. Jonathan D. VaratDirector

Prof. Jonathan D. VaratDirector
Members Emeriti
Ruth M. Gadebusch
Dale Rogers Marshall
Leland R. Selna Jr.
Dale Rogers Marshall
Leland R. Selna Jr.